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【Menu】Colorful autumn platter

061122set_s.JPG 061122menu_s.JPG
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Rice with green perilla and sesame

061122syusyoku_s.JPG The scent of green perilla will whet your appetite - a very light mixed rice dish. This will go with any kind of dish!
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Fried mackerel with sweet and sour sauce

061122syusai_s.JPG The refreshing sweet and sour sauce will bring out the good taste of the mackerel. This is a volume packed fried mackerel dish.
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Okara (tofu remains) with lots of goodies

061122fukusai_s.JPG A dish packed with volume and lots of fiber. The okara, depending on your preference may be juicy or dry - please adjust the water accordingly.
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Miso soup with sweet potato

061122siru_s.JPG A miso soup slightly sweetened with sweet potato. The salty flavor of the miso and the sweetness of the sweet potato maches very well.
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Green tea agar with bananas

061122dessert_s.JPG A refreshing cool dessert with banana added to the Japanese green tea flavored agar. Banana and green tea may sound like an unusual combination, but the sweetness and the bitterness makes for a perfect match making the dessert taste strangely good.
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This site is operated and managed by Yamabe Okabe Hasegawa Research, Nutrition Science, Nursing and Nutrition Science Department, Tenshi College. Please send any questions via e-mail.  (in detail)

